Terms of Service

Terms of Use
This website, and any of its associated, and/or related, websites, provide you with instructions for use (IFU) and other related information for various products and medical devices provided by Fresenius Kabi. This website is intended for qualified users of Fresenius Kabi's products and medical devices only and you shall not copy, distribute or otherwise replicate the content and/or material on the websites except for your own internal business purposes. Anyone accessing the websites, and the published materials in the websites, shall assume the sole responsibility of how they may use, apply, interpret, and/or intend to use the material, which they have accessed, viewed, downloaded, and/or saved. Additional terms of use can be found under the "Legal Disclaimer" tab.
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© Fresenius Kabi AG 2024. The content of the website, are the property of their respective owners, and publishers, unless otherwise noted.
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